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de Bernardis, Paolo  PhD

Researcher with 1819 publications
• Contact Information: Dipartimento di Fisica, Università La Sapienza. P.le A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy. Tel. +390649914271 Fax. +39064957697 e-mail : personal web site : • Born in Firenze, 01/Feb/1959. Married, one son. • Physics degree (Laurea) in 1982 at Universita' di Roma La Sapienza (summa cum laude). Ph.D. in 1987. Researcher in 1984. Associate Professor in 1992. Professore straordinario at Universita' di Roma La Sapienza (Nov. 2001). Full Professor since Nov. 2004. • Author or co-author of more than 300 papers on international journals with referees, including a few renowned papers. The field of activity is Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology, with focus on the Cosmic Microwave Background. • H-index: 105, Citations > 59500 (Jun 2020, ADS database). • Member of the 2nd, 14th, 18th National Antarctic Expeditions of “Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide”. • Dr. de Bernardis was the Italian Principal Investigator of the stratospheric balloon experiments BOOMERanG-B98 and BOOMERanG-B03 on the anisotropy and polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background. In the Antarctic flight of 1998 BOOMERanG has detected for the first time acoustic oscillations in the primeval plasma, and demonstrated the flatness of the Universe. For these results he has been awarded the Premio Feltrinelli of the Accademia dei Lincei in 2001, as well as the Targa Piazzi of the INAF. In 2003 BOOMERanG/B2K was flown again, at which time detected the polarization of the CMB. For the BOOMERanG experiment Paolo de Bernardis and Andrew Lange were awarded the Balzan Prize in 2006; for the measurement of CMB anisotropy with BOOMERanG and MAXIMA Paolo de Bernardis, Andrew Lange and Paul Richards have been awarded the Dan David Prize in 2009. For the BOOMERanG experiment, he has been awarded the 2011 Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (European Physical Society). In october 2012 he has been awarded the 2011 Van Duzer Prize by the IEEE Council on Superconductivity, for his collaborative work on CEB detectors with Tarasov, Kuzmin, Edelman and Mashashbde. In 2015 he was awarded the Vittorio De Sica prize for Science, and the Giulio Preti prize for outreach; in 2016 the Tuscolanae Scientiae prize. In 2017 he was awarderd the national prize for culture Benedetto Croce, for his outreach books. • Co-investigator of the international experiments Archeops and MAXIMA, detecting CMB anisotropy; • Co-investigator of the High Frequency Instrument of the Planck Satellite of the European Space Agency, launched on May 14th, 2009, and in charge for the cryogenic preamplifiers of all the HFI detectors. • Coordinator of the SAGACE satellite proposal, selected for a phase-A study by the Italian Space Agency. to measure the spectrum of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in thousands of clusters of galaxies, within the tight budget of a small class space mission. The full study, carried out in collaboration with an Italian space industry, has been concluded in 8 months and delivered at the end of 2008. • Has led the international proposals B-Pol for the ESA Cosmic Vision Call 2008, COrE for the 2010 call, PRISM for the Large Missions Science call 2013. Co-lead of the CORE proposal for the M5 call. • Since 2017, co-investigator of the LiteBIRD space mission (JAXA) to measure the polarization of the CMB. • Member of the Astronomy Working Group of the European Space Agency (2002-2004), and of the Space Science Advisory Committee (2017-2019) of the European Space Agency. • Has served as a referee for The Astrophysical Journal, Astronomy and Astrophysics, MNRAS, and Nature. • One of the editors of the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics and of the Memorie della Società Astronomica Italiana. • Teaches the classes of Astrophysics, Experimental Astrophysics, for the Physics and Astrophysics degree. He has been advisor for more than 4 show More


Evolution over the last 10 years of activity
Aggregated career metrics

Total documents


Normalized Impact


Highly Cited Papers (10%)


International Collab. (%)

Most cited publications

Main coauthors

Following you can review Paolo's accomplishments in each of the dimensions.

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Dimensions One by One

Spanning 73 diverse indicators, the dimensions considered capture a comprehensive spectrum of academic attributes. Each dimension includes a set of indicators and has a especific weight on the One Index. More information here...


Reflects an author's research output.


Reflects an author's academic visibility and the exceptional quality and influence of their most highly cited works.


Reflects an author's academic visibility and the exceptional quality and influence of their most highly cited works.


Reflects an author's efforts and commitment in leading research initiatives.


Reflects a researcher's ability to navigate and thrive in varied academic and research environments, highlighting adaptability, resourcefulness, and the capacity to build and maintain collaborative relationships across the spectrum of their career.


Reflects an author's commitment to making their research freely accessible and open to the public.

Community Support

Reflects an author's contributions to the academic community beyond their own research.

Community Recognition

Reflects the academic community's acknowledgment and appreciation of an author's contributions.


Reflects an author's commitment to making their research a practical application and real-world impact of an author's research.


Reflects an author's ability in securing project funding from major global entities, showcasing your ability to drive research initiatives forward.

All indicators



Reflects an author's research output.

Documents 1819 Count of all document types.
Docs/Year 25.26 Average of documents published by author per year.
Citable docs 1481 Count of journal articles, proceeding papers and reviews.
Journal Articles 1376 Documents published as articles in scientific journals usually peer-reviewed.
Conferences 104 Original article reporting data presented at a conference or symposium.
Reviews 1 Review papers authored by the researcher.
Patents 0 Intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention.
Theses 2 Document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings
Books 3 A whole monograph or the entire book.
Book Chapters 0 Complete chapter in a book or book series volume where the item is identified as a chapter by a heading or section indicator.
Datasets 1 Number of dataset where the author have contributed to the creation.
Editorials 0 Papers where the author contributed editorial content.
Reports 1 Research reports or white papers authored.
Grants 0 Research projects funded through external grants awarded to the author.
Pre-Prints 253 Number of publications freely available in pre-print format.
Clinical Trials N/A Number of clinical trials where the author has participated.
Other types 0 Other type of documents.


Reflects an author's academic visibility and the exceptional quality and influence of their most highly cited works.

Citations 185259 Total number of citations to all the publications attributed to the author (all types).
Self Citations 11036 Citations where the author references their own previous work.
Self Citation Rate 5.957 Percentage of self-citations in the author's total citation count.
Non Self Citation Rate 94.043 Percentage of citations received from sources that are not self-citations.
Hot Citations 4341 Total number of citations recieved in the last 6 months.
Citations/Document 101.85 Average of citations recieved per document.
% Not Cited 0.0 Percentage of documents with no citations recieved.
Relative Citation Index 11.056 Item oriented indicator consisting of the quotient between the number of citations to a given work and the average number of citations to works of the same type, year and discipline. An author's RCI corresponds to the average of the values of his/her publications.
Journal Relative Citation Index 18.752 Item oriented indicator consisting of the quotient between the number of citations to a given work and the average number of citations to works of the same type, year and journal. An author's RCI corresponds to the average of the values of his/her publications.
H Index 180 Maximum value of h such that the given author has published at least h papers that have each been cited at least h times.
G Index 400 Maximum value of g such that the given author has published at least g papers that have each been cited at least g^2 times.
i10 Index 966 Number of documents with at least 10 citations recieved.


Reflects an author's academic visibility and the exceptional quality and influence of their most highly cited works.

Citation Score 0.63 Ratio between 0 and 1 being 0 corresponding to the citation percentile being 0 the 0th and 1 the 100th.
Citation Normalized Percentile 0.593 Citation percentile normalized to 1 (0 worst, 1 best) of the position in citations rankin within the field. Provided by OpenAlex.
Higly Cited Papers (top 10%) 712 Count of publications falling on or above the 90th citation percentile in the cohort of publications of the same type, year and discipline.
Relative Higly Cited Papers 3.914 Quotient between the real number of Highly Cited Papers (HCP) and expected number of HCP's that is the 10% of total documents.
Outstanding Papers (top 1%) 258 Count of publications falling on or above the 99th citation percentile in the cohort of publications of the same type, year and discipline.
Relative Outstanding Papers 14.184 Quotient between the real number of Outstanding Papers (OP) and expected number of OP's that is the 1% of total documents.
Outstanding Papers (top 0.1%) 77 Count of publications falling on or above the 99.9th citation percentile in the cohort of publications of the same type, year and discipline.
Hot Papers 94 Using only the citations recieved in the last 6 months: documents falling on or above the 99th citation percentile in the cohort of publications of the same type, year and discipline.

Interaction within community


Reflects an author's efforts and commitment in leading research initiatives.

Docs Leadership 409 Number of documents lead by the author.
% Leadership 22.48 Percentage of documents lead by the author.
Docs International Leadership 82 Number of documents in international collaboration lead by the author.
% International Leadership 4.51 Percentage of documents in international collaboration lead by the author.
Principal Investigator 0 Number of times where the author served as the lead researcher in a project.
Associations Founded 0 Number of associations founded by the author.
Societies Founded 0 Number of scientific or professional societies established by the author.
Foundations Founded 0 Number of research-related foundations established by the author.
Councils 0 Number of councils founded by author.


Reflects a researcher's ability to navigate and thrive in varied academic and research environments, highlighting adaptability, resourcefulness, and the capacity to build and maintain collaborative relationships across the spectrum of their career.

Authors/Paper 79.3 Average number of authors per document.
% Highly Authored Papers 47.0 Percentage of documents with 25 or more authors.
Countries/Paper 4.63 Average number of different countries in the author's affiliation line per document.
Docs International Collaboration 809 Number of documents reporting two or more different countries in the author's affiliation line.
% International Collaboration 44.47 Percentage of documents reporting two or more diffetent countries in the author's affiliation line.

Community Support

Reflects an author's contributions to the academic community beyond their own research.

Peer Review Counts 1 Number of times the author peer-reviewed publications.
Society Membership 2 Number of societies of wich the author is a member.
Society Memberships 0 Memberships held by the author in scientific or professional societies.
Editorial Board Memberships 0 Number of journals where the author has been member of editorial board.
Panelists 0 Number of times the author have been a panelist in the European Research Council (ERC) calls.

Community Recognition

Reflects the academic community's acknowledgment and appreciation of an author's contributions.

Distinctions 0 Number of times the author have recieved a distinction for its career.
Invitations 0 Number of times the author has been invited to talks, professorships, expositions or demonstrations.
Talks 0 Number of times the author has been invited to talks.
Professorships 0 Number of times the author has been invited to professorhips.
Commissioned Reports 0 Commissioned reports done by the author.

Interaction with society


Reflects an author's commitment to making their research freely accessible and open to the public.

Open Access Documents 1068 Number of documents in Open Access mode.
% Open Access Documents 58.71 Percentage of documents in Open Access mode.
Open Access Gold 29 Number of documents published in an OA journal that is indexed by the DOAJ.
Open Access Green 270 Toll-access on the publisher landing page, but there is a free copy in an OA repository.
Open Access Hybrid 43 Free under an open license in a toll-access journal.
Open Access Bronze 709 Free to read on the publisher landing page, but without any identifiable license.
Open Access Closed 751 Non Open Access documents.


Reflects an author's commitment to making their research a practical application and real-world impact of an author's research.

Patents 0 Intellectual property that gives its owner the legal right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention for a limited period of time in exchange for publishing an enabling disclosure of the invention.
Advisory Boards 0 Number of advisory boards of which the author is member.
Companies 0 Number of companies created or founded by the author.


Reflects an author's ability in securing project funding from major global entities, showcasing your ability to drive research initiatives forward.

Funding Counts 0 Number of activities reported as funding recieved.
ERC Grantees 0 Researchers awarded grants from the European Research Council.
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