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38,611 authors found
quering by "Bangladesh"
the first 25
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One Index
Rana, Md Juwel PhD 0000-0001-5597-664X |
81 docs (2016 - 2024)
Hypertension , Household Fuel Use , Blood Pressure , CINAHL , Global Burden of Disease |
One Index
Bozkurt, Aras PhD 0000-0002-4520-642X |
228 docs (2013 - 2024)
Online Learning , Distance Education , Educational Technology , Data-driven Education , Educational Data Mining |
One Index
Househ, Mowafa PhD 0000-0002-3648-6271 |
391 docs (2005 - 2024)
Health Apps , Mobile Health , PsycINFO , Preprint , Chatbot |
One Index
Mamun, Mohammed PhD 0000-0002-1728-8966 |
163 docs (2018 - 2024)
Pandemic , Depression (economics) , Cross-sectional study , Mental Health , Pandemics |
One Index
Khan, Md Nuruzzaman PhD 0000-0002-4550-4363 |
265 docs (1982 - 2024)
Health Service Utilization , Odds , Global health , Unintended pregnancy , Cross-sectional study |
One Index
Hossain, Ekram PhD 0000-0002-5932-6887 |
940 docs (2000 - 2024)
Resource Allocation , Wireless Energy Harvesting , Wireless Communications , Device-to-Device Communication , RF Energy Harvesting |
One Index
Saif-Ur-Rahman, K M PhD 0000-0001-8702-7094 |
118 docs (2014 - 2024)
Cholera , Pandemic , Vibrio cholerae , Cross-sectional study , Data extraction |
One Index
Rahman, Muhammad Aziz PhD 0000-0003-1665-7966 |
253 docs (2005 - 2024)
Pandemic , Psychological Distress , Cross-sectional study , Tobacco Use , Global health |
One Index
Hasanuzzaman, Mirza PhD 0000-0002-0461-8743 |
611 docs (1981 - 2024)
Abiotic Stress , Glutathione reductase , Stress Signaling , APX , Salt Tolerance |
One Index
Islam, Mohammed Mahbubul PhD 0000-0002-2101-3471 |
79 docs (2012 - 2024)
Nanofluids , Heat Transfer , Heat Exchangers , Sonication , Convective Heat Transfer |
One Index
Ratan, Dr. Zubair Ahmed PhD 0000-0001-7309-9599 |
66 docs (2015 - 2024)
Pandemic , 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak , Global health , Cross-sectional study , Silver nanoparticle |
One Index
Nayem, S. M. Abu 0000-0002-6258-8650 |
28 docs (2020 - 2024)
Carbon fibers , Pseudocapacitive Materials , Hydroquinone , Graphene-Based Sensors , Nano-composites |
One Index
Talukder, Md. Alamin PhD 0000-0002-3192-1000 |
45 docs (2021 - 2024)
Intrusion Detection , Deep Learning , Ensemble learning , Transfer of learning , Botnet Detection |
One Index
Shuvo Dip Datta 0000-0001-8604-3148 |
31 docs (2021 - 2024)
Concrete Properties , Self-Compacting Concrete , Fiber Reinforced Concrete , Cementitious , Sustainable Concrete |
One Index
Suvash PhD 0000-0001-9997-2077 |
104 docs (2011 - 2024)
Fiber Reinforced Concrete , Concrete Properties , Sustainable Concrete , Sustainability in Construction , 3D Printing |
One Index
Fahim, Shahriar Rahman PhD 0000-0001-9185-4658 |
51 docs (2018 - 2024)
Fault Detection , Microgrid , Power Quality Disturbance Detection , Robustness (evolution) , Microgrid Control |
One Index
Shareef, Mahmud Akhter PhD 0000-0002-9742-8198 |
129 docs (2000 - 2024)
Technology Acceptance Model , Perceived Ease of Use , E-Government , Consumer Engagement , Scope (computer science) |
One Index
Hossain, Md. Alamgir PhD 0000-0001-9382-3935 |
172 docs (2011 - 2024)
Microgrid , Microgrid Control , Energy Storage Systems , Distributed Power Generation , Energy Management |
One Index
Toki, Gazi Farhan Ishraque 0000-0002-6761-3042 |
49 docs (2021 - 2024)
Perovskite Solar Cells , Solar Cell Efficiency , Thin-Film Solar Cells , Photovoltaic Cells , Perovskite solar cell |
One Index
Habib, Ahsan PhD 0000-0003-2433-3961 |
232 docs (2002 - 2024)
Accounting Quality , Financial Reporting , Endogeneity , Stock (firearms) , Financial Performance |
One Index
Nahid, Abdullah-Al PhD 0000-0003-2391-5767 |
108 docs (2009 - 2024)
Medical Image Analysis , Feature (linguistics) , Breast Cancer Diagnosis , Activity Recognition , Contextual image classification |
One Index
Bairagi, Anupam Kumar PhD 0000-0003-1639-1301 |
91 docs (2012 - 2024)
Spectrum management , Cloud Computing , IoT Security , Smart Radio Environments , Feature (linguistics) |
One Index
Hakeem, Khalid PhD 0000-0001-7824-4695 |
391 docs (2011 - 2024)
Allelopathy , Abiotic Stress , Phytochemical , Stress Signaling , Glutathione reductase |
One Index
Sarker, Iqbal H. PhD 0000-0003-1740-5517 |
249 docs (2011 - 2024)
Mobile phone , Mobile Phone Data , Intrusion Detection , Context-Aware Applications , Social Sensing |
One Index
Haider, Najmul PhD 0000-0002-5980-3460 |
113 docs (2011 - 2024)
Case fatality rate , 2019-20 coronavirus outbreak , Pandemic , Dengue , Animal ecology |