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8,662 authors found
quering by "Cross-linguistic Influence"
the first 25
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One Index
Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria PhD 0000-0002-9592-5780 |
127 docs (1988 - 2024)
Language Typology , Lexical Semantics , Semantic Changes , Discourse Analysis , Language |
One Index
Enfield, N. J. PhD 0000-0003-3891-6973 |
327 docs (1996 - 2024)
Discourse Study , Interactional Linguistics , Language , Mainland , Conversation Analysis |
One Index
Zwaan, Rolf PhD 0000-0001-9967-7879 |
265 docs (1987 - 2024)
Cognition , Conceptual Blending , Language Comprehension , Color Perception , Intention Understanding |
One Index
Levinson, Stephen PhD 0000-0001-8961-5316 |
458 docs (1966 - 2024)
Discourse Study , Conversation Analysis , Language , Interactional Linguistics , Spatial Reasoning |
One Index
Kuperman, Victor PhD 0000-0001-8961-3767 |
115 docs (2000 - 2024)
Reading Acquisition , Neurological Basis of Reading , Language Processing , Visual Word Recognition , Reading Comprehension |
One Index
Pfenninger, Simone PhD 0000-0002-0433-4812 |
106 docs (2009 - 2024)
Second Language Acquisition , Language Teaching , Multilingualism , Bilingual Education , Language Learning Strategies |
One Index
Wei, Li PhD 0000-0002-2015-7262 |
362 docs (1991 - 2024)
Translanguaging , Multilingualism , Bilingual Education , Sociolinguistics , Language Teaching |
One Index
Vigliocco, Gabriella PhD 0000-0002-7190-3659 |
243 docs (1994 - 2024)
Iconicity , Language Processing , Language Acquisition , Sign Language , Semantic Memory |
One Index
Fabb, Nigel PhD 0000-0002-4820-7612 |
153 docs (1983 - 2022)
Content (measure theory) , Front cover , Alliteration , Metre , Language |
One Index
LI, Chor Shing David PhD 0000-0002-8427-0424 |
98 docs (1996 - 2024)
Multilingualism , Translanguaging , Bilingual Education , Language Teaching , Language Policy |
One Index
Dingemanse, Mark PhD 0000-0002-3290-5723 |
287 docs (2006 - 2024)
Iconicity , Interactional Linguistics , Sound symbolism , Discourse Study , Conversation Analysis |
One Index
Barbara Hall Partee PhD |
208 docs (1968 - 2021)
Semantics , Genitive case , Principle of compositionality , Negation , Language Typology |
One Index
Tishby, Naftali PhD 0000-0002-8086-4436 |
267 docs (1983 - 2023)
Information bottleneck method , Semi-Supervised Learning , Information theory , Backpropagation Learning , Representation (politics) |
One Index
Michael, Lev PhD 0000-0002-9612-5996 |
71 docs (1999 - 2023)
Evidentiality , Grammaticalization , Language Evolution , Negation , Language Typology |
One Index
Jackendoff, Ray PhD 0000-0002-1358-9200 |
274 docs (1968 - 2023)
Semantics , Language Typology , Language Evolution , Conceptual Blending , Argument (complex analysis) |
One Index
Gazzola, Michele PhD 0000-0002-8856-6011 |
123 docs (2004 - 2024)
Multilingualism , Language Policy , Academic Language , Bilingual Education , Language Teaching |
One Index
Makoni, Sinfree PhD 0000-0002-4493-1750 |
204 docs (1990 - 2024)
Multilingualism , Translanguaging , Sociolinguistics , Language Policy , Linguistic Landscape |
One Index
Glenberg, Arthur PhD 0000-0002-9281-3687 |
239 docs (1974 - 2024)
Intention Understanding , Language Comprehension , Reading Acquisition , Cognition , Action Observation |
One Index
Lupyan, Gary PhD 0000-0001-8441-7433 |
224 docs (2002 - 2024)
Cross-linguistic Influence , Categorical Perception , Iconicity , Perceptual Enhancement , Color Perception |
One Index
Winter, Bodo PhD 0000-0001-6036-6774 |
160 docs (1999 - 2024)
Iconicity , Spatial Metaphors , Speech Perception , Metaphors , Acoustic Phonetics |
One Index
Sommer, Doris PhD 0000-0002-5327-8060 |
188 docs (1979 - 2024)
Latin American Literature , Romance , Literature , Narratives , Populism |
One Index
Muysken, Pieter PhD 0000-0002-4708-5529 |
530 docs (1920 - 2023)
Multilingualism , Translanguaging , Sociolinguistics , Hispanic Linguistics , Language Change |
One Index
Pavlenko, Aneta PhD 0000-0003-1090-4348 |
165 docs (1995 - 2023)
Multilingualism , Bilingual Education , Bilingualism , Sociolinguistics , Language Teaching |
One Index
Rabagliati, Hugh PhD 0000-0001-9828-5857 |
128 docs (2006 - 2024)
Language Development , Early Vocabulary Development , Infant Understanding , Polysemy , Vocabulary Development |
One Index
Everett, Daniel PhD 0000-0002-3727-8765 |
134 docs (1982 - 2024)
Editorial board , Spatial Proteomic Mapping , Citation impact , Proteomics , Language |