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58,198 authors found
quering by "Discrimination"
the first 25
sort by ONE Index.
One Index
Jean Marcal Pierre Tirole PhD |
633 docs (1971 - 2024)
Two-Sided Markets , Competition , Price Discrimination , Liquidity , Investment (military) |
One Index
Diehl, Claudia PhD 0000-0002-5309-2960 |
123 docs (2000 - 2024)
Gender and Migration , Immigration , Transnational Families , Bildungsbeteiligung , Remittances |
One Index
Valletti, Tommaso PhD 0000-0001-9728-5513 |
255 docs (1998 - 2024)
Two-Sided Markets , Competition , Price Discrimination , Market Competition , Market Structure |
One Index
Feyissa, Garumma PhD 0000-0001-6179-0024 |
92 docs (2012 - 2024)
HIV Epidemiology , HIV , Guideline , CINAHL , Pandemic |
One Index
Banerjee, Ritwik PhD 0000-0001-8322-1308 |
71 docs (2007 - 2023)
Language change , Caste , Incentives , Spillover effect , Economic Experiments |
One Index
Ambrus, Attila Jรณzsef PhD 0000-0002-4406-6330 |
118 docs (2004 - 2021)
Delegation , Consumption (sociology) , Incentives , Punishment (psychology) , Two-Sided Markets |
One Index
Peter S. Arcidiacono PhD 0009-0009-7392-9770 |
153 docs (2000 - 2024)
Academic Performance , Graduation (instrument) , Revelation , Affect (linguistics) , Education |
One Index
Bergemann, Dirk PhD 0000-0002-2759-6962 |
345 docs (1985 - 2024)
Auction Theory , Bid Rotation , Price Perception , Stochastic game , Private information retrieval |
One Index
Marianne Morse Bertrand PhD |
230 docs (1998 - 2024)
Glass ceiling , Gender gap , Replication (statistics) , Executive compensation , Gender Pay Gap |
One Index
Xie, Wensi PhD 0000-0002-3045-2433 |
64 docs (2012 - 2024)
Banking , Competition , Pandemic , Stock (firearms) , Agency cost |
One Index
Tungodden, Bertil PhD 0000-0002-4182-8491 |
257 docs (1993 - 2024)
Ethnically diverse , Ethnic , Field Experiment , Egalitarianism , Luck |
One Index
Suedekum, Jens PhD |
191 docs (2003 - 2024)
Monopolistic competition , Replication (statistics) , Job Polarization , Externality , City Size Distribution |
One Index
Rooth, Dan-Olof PhD 0000-0001-8887-5677 |
265 docs (1999 - 2024)
Education , Hiring , Ethnic discrimination , Job Polarization , Workplace Bias |
One Index
Zuiderveen Borgesius, Frederik PhD 0000-0001-5803-827X |
147 docs (2007 - 2024)
Privacy Concerns , Data Privacy , Online Behavior , Directive , Privacy Regulations |
One Index
Cunat, Vicente PhD 0000-0001-7504-2801 |
107 docs (1999 - 2024)
Two-Sided Markets , Market Structure , Executive compensation , Price Perception , Market Competition |
One Index
PhD 0000-0002-8140-8416 |
271 docs (1993 - 2024)
Exchange Rates , Asset Pricing , Stock (firearms) , Exchange Rate Regimes , Identification (biology) |
One Index
Zaidi, Asghar PhD 0000-0003-3004-6387 |
147 docs (1995 - 2023)
Ageing Population , Active ageing , Aging Workforce , Aging , Population ageing |
One Index
Levy, Becca PhD 0000-0002-1611-7460 |
151 docs (1994 - 2024)
Aging , Successful Aging , Ageism , Stereotype (UML) , Subjective Well-Being |
One Index
Edward P. Lazear PhD |
327 docs (1974 - 2023)
Job Polarization , Behavioral Economics , Value (mathematics) , Severance , Download |
One Index
Christopher K. Walters PhD |
111 docs (1996 - 2024)
Charter school , Attendance , Download , Student Achievement , School Choice |
One Index
Betsey Ayer Stevenson PhD |
99 docs (2001 - 2023)
Subjective Well-Being , Life Satisfaction , Happiness , Divorce , Remarriage |
One Index
Fang, Hanming PhD 0000-0003-4703-5860 |
315 docs (2000 - 2024)
Health Care Utilization , Health Insurance Coverage , Prejudice (legal term) , Language change , Insurance |
One Index
Monden, Christiaan PhD 0000-0003-1642-1582 |
90 docs (2002 - 2024)
Life Expectancy , Intergenerational Relations , Educational attainment , Grandparenting , Marital status |
One Index
Khaitan, Tarunabh PhD 0000-0003-3661-4832 |
77 docs (2007 - 2023)
Constitutionalism , Anti-Discrimination , Constitutional government , Age Discrimination , Democracy |
One Index
Adida, Claire PhD 0000-0002-3493-5539 |
92 docs (2006 - 2023)
Front cover , Replication (statistics) , Content (measure theory) , Immigration , Voter Behavior |