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4,549 authors found
quering by "Firm-Level Data"
the first 25
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One Index
Amiti, Mary PhD |
180 docs (1996 - 2024)
Trade Liberalization , Exporting , Outsourcing , Offshoring , Productivity |
One Index
Dix-Carneiro, Rafael PhD |
55 docs (2012 - 2023)
Trade Liberalization , Globalization , Replication (statistics) , Labor Markets , Job Polarization |
One Index
Antras, Pol PhD |
180 docs (2000 - 2024)
Exporting , Value (mathematics) , Trade Liberalization , Global Value Chains , Firm-Level Data |
One Index
Wei, ShangโJin. PhD |
625 docs (1989 - 2024)
Exporting , Capital (architecture) , Trade Liberalization , Financial Liberalization , Language change |
One Index
Van Reenen, John PhD 0000-0001-9153-2907 |
658 docs (1992 - 2024)
Productivity Growth , Brexit , Technological Change , R&D Subsidies , Job Polarization |
One Index
Verdier, Thierry PhD 0000-0002-9701-7815 |
506 docs (1984 - 2024)
Socialization , Trade Liberalization , Redistribution (election) , NGOs , Capital (architecture) |
One Index
Filipe YanagizawaโDrott Campante PhD |
88 docs (2001 - 2024)
Replication (statistics) , Capital (architecture) , Language change , Voting Behavior , Governance |
One Index
de Vries, Gaaitzen PhD 0000-0003-4166-8173 |
85 docs (2007 - 2024)
Value (mathematics) , Fragmentation (computing) , Exporting , Productivity , Globalization |
One Index
Varela, Liliana PhD 0000-0001-6139-1461 |
320 docs (1999 - 2024)
Foreign Direct Investment , Capital (architecture) , Firm-Level Data , Externality , Investment (military) |
One Index
Suedekum, Jens PhD |
191 docs (2003 - 2024)
Monopolistic competition , Replication (statistics) , Job Polarization , Externality , City Size Distribution |
One Index
Bernard, Andrew PhD 0000-0001-7205-0187 |
264 docs (1952 - 2024)
Exporting , Trade Liberalization , Productivity , Productivity Growth , Firm-Level Data |
One Index
Helpman, Elahanan PhD |
479 docs (1974 - 2024)
Exporting , Productivity Growth , Growth Models , Trade Liberalization , Endogenous growth theory |
One Index
Coad, Alex PhD 0000-0002-5706-0528 |
290 docs (2004 - 2024)
Growth Rates , Firm Survival , Quantile regression , Innovation and Economic Growth , Productivity Growth |
One Index
Toubal, Farid PhD 0000-0002-9393-2303 |
155 docs (2003 - 2024)
Exporting , Replication (statistics) , Multinational Firms , Transfer Pricing , Tax haven |
One Index
Tang, Heiwai PhD 0000-0002-2110-4162 |
81 docs (2008 - 2023)
Exporting , Value (mathematics) , Firm-Level Data , Investment (military) , Trade Liberalization |
One Index
Van Biesebroeck, Johannes PhD 0000-0003-4144-5578 |
155 docs (2002 - 2023)
Exporting , Productivity , Productivity Growth , Value (mathematics) , Trade Liberalization |
One Index
Tintelnot, Felix PhD |
65 docs (2008 - 2024)
Exporting , Trade Liberalization , Firm-Level Data , Replication (statistics) , Fixed cost |
One Index
Peter K. Schott PhD |
212 docs (1986 - 2024)
Exporting , Trade Liberalization , Productivity , Firm Competitiveness , Industry Dynamics |
One Index
Pavcnik, Nina PhD |
118 docs (1999 - 2023)
Trade Liberalization , Exporting , Informal sector , Replication (statistics) , Empirical evidence |
One Index
Girma, Sourafel PhD 0000-0001-5815-1619 |
212 docs (2000 - 2024)
Exporting , Productivity , Foreign Direct Investment , Investment (military) , Endogeneity |
One Index
Marc Jacques Melitz PhD |
123 docs (2000 - 2024)
Exporting , Productivity , Trade Liberalization , Firm-Level Data , Replication (statistics) |
One Index
Feenstra, Robert PhD 0000-0003-3433-7763 |
532 docs (1952 - 2024)
Exporting , Trade Liberalization , Monopolistic competition , Productivity Growth , Exchange Rates |
One Index
Jan De Loecker PhD |
79 docs (2002 - 2024)
Productivity , Productivity Growth , Exporting , Replication (statistics) , Dynamism |
One Index
Syverson, Chad PhD 0009-0007-7504-7283 |
174 docs (2001 - 2024)
Productivity Growth , Productivity , Industry Dynamics , Market Structure , Replication (statistics) |
One Index
Barrios, Salvador PhD 0000-0002-5135-3768 |
170 docs (1996 - 2021)
Taxation , Corporate Tax , Investment (military) , Optimal Taxation , Consolidation (business) |