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292 authors found
quering by "Communication, Sociology and Political Science"
the first 25
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One Index
Filipe YanagizawaโDrott Campante PhD |
88 docs (2001 - 2024)
Replication (statistics) , Capital (architecture) , Language change , Voting Behavior , Governance |
One Index
Rafael Di Tella PhD |
214 docs (1995 - 2024)
Language change , Corruption , Happiness , Punishment (psychology) , Investment (military) |
One Index
Theocharis, Yannis PhD 0000-0001-7209-9669 |
75 docs (2009 - 2024)
Political Participation , Media Use , Social Media , Online and offline , Networked Individualism |
One Index
Ambrus, Attila Jรณzsef PhD 0000-0002-4406-6330 |
118 docs (2004 - 2021)
Delegation , Consumption (sociology) , Incentives , Punishment (psychology) , Two-Sided Markets |
One Index
Couldry, Nick PhD 0000-0001-8233-3287 |
360 docs (1996 - 2024)
Mediatization , Media Framing , Media Use , Consumption (sociology) , News Media |
One Index
Livingstone, Sonia PhD 0000-0002-3248-9862 |
677 docs (1927 - 2024)
Internet Use , Media Use , Digital Literacy , Mediatization , Media Framing |
One Index
Maurice E. F. Bloch PhD |
268 docs (1896 - 2021)
Religion , Blessing , Ceremony , Marxism , Cultural Anthropology |
One Index
Pfetsch, Barbara PhD 0000-0003-4655-663X |
180 docs (1988 - 2024)
Political Communication , Political communication , Mediatization , Media Framing , Media Use |
One Index
Trilling, Damian PhD 0000-0002-2586-0352 |
112 docs (2004 - 2024)
Content Analysis , Media Framing , Media Use , Information Diversity , News values |
One Index
Valenzuela, Sebastiรกn PhD 0000-0001-5991-7364 |
117 docs (2006 - 2024)
Media Use , Political Participation , Social Media , Facebook Use , Misinformation |
One Index
Larsson, Anders Olof PhD 0000-0003-3621-4687 |
165 docs (1986 - 2024)
Media Use , Norwegian , Political Participation , Social Media , Political Communication |
One Index
Margetts, Helen PhD 0000-0003-4597-8283 |
234 docs (1988 - 2024)
Political Participation , E-Government , ICTs , Collective action , Governance |
One Index
Aalberg, Toril PhD 0000-0001-5461-1470 |
126 docs (1998 - 2024)
Norwegian , Media Use , Political Communication , Mediatization , Political Participation |
One Index
Koopmans, Robert PhD |
276 docs (1962 - 2023)
European Integration , Multiculturalism , Political Dynamics , Mobilization , Immigration |
One Index
Calhoun, Craig PhD 0000-0001-7218-3780 |
521 docs (1974 - 2023)
Political radicalism , Public Sociology , Cosmopolitanism , Social Theory , Nationalism |
One Index
Silverstone, Roger PhD |
163 docs (1976 - 2018)
Mediatization , Media Framing , Everyday life , Consumption (sociology) , Information Technology |
One Index
Haddon, Leslie PhD 0000-0001-7338-7232 |
208 docs (1988 - 2024)
Internet Use , Everyday life , Parental Mediation , Online Communication , ICTS |
One Index
Heilbron, Johan PhD 0000-0003-2747-4487 |
168 docs (1967 - 2024)
Sociology of Translation , Cultural Translation , Globalization , Literary Translation , Translation |
One Index
Corbu, Nicoleta PhD 0000-0001-9606-9827 |
80 docs (2008 - 2024)
Romanian , Disinformation , Media Framing , Media Use , Pandemic |
One Index
Vaisey, Stephen PhD 0000-0001-9506-7520 |
69 docs (2004 - 2024)
Cultural Psychology , Cultural Consumption , Argument (complex analysis) , Sociology of culture , Education |
One Index
Weingart, Peter PhD 0000-0002-8275-525X |
560 docs (1968 - 2024)
Interdisciplinary Research , Research Evaluation , Science Communication , Transdisciplinarity , Impact factor |
One Index
Weder, Franzisca PhD 0000-0003-1502-207X |
118 docs (2005 - 2024)
Framing (construction) , Environmental Attitudes , Sustainability Reporting , Risk Communication , Problematization |
One Index
Wyer, Robert PhD 0000-0002-3776-5678 |
433 docs (1964 - 2024)
Affect (linguistics) , Decision-making , Consumer Culture Theory , Impression formation , Cultural Psychology |
One Index
Maier, Michaela PhD 0000-0002-7505-691X |
179 docs (1999 - 2024)
European Integration , Party Polarization , Political Communication , Political Dynamics , Political Participation |
One Index
Stichweh, Rudolf PhD 0000-0002-4028-0970 |
203 docs (1979 - 2024)
Globalization , Soziale Herkunft , Soziale Praktiken , Bildungsbeteiligung , Interdisciplinary Research |